Sixx here, it has been a long few weeks. We were hanging out in Ketchum, Idaho which was fun and beautiful. While wondering the streets there like a couple of tourists, we got lucky and stopped to asked directions from Jeffery Lubeck, a local photographer and partner with his son Kyle in the MESH Gallery in downtown Ketchum. As it turns out, it was the day before Sun Valley WAGON DAYS and he was in need of music for the Weekend long event's opening night Gallery Walk. We jumped at the opportunity. We were even more excited when we found out the building of the MESH is the first Catholic Church built in the valley in 1884 and had a very gothic feel and the ONLY WAY we'd ever get to play in a church.
MESH Gallery, Ketchum Idaho |
We had a great time. The art lovers turned out in droves, and truly loved the amazing photography of the mountains surrounding the valley, primarily shot by Jeffery and Kyle. We played non-stop for 2-hours straight on acoustics instruments only (through pedals and PA) and no vocals, it was just total improve for 2 hours - WE LOVED IT. It was also great because it came with a nice cash payout, all the IPA and wine we wanted a couple nice filets of white fish and a 1.5lb (wannabe Santa Maria style) tri-tip, which was really nice - craziest payday so far, but it was great and we ate well that week.
Sign outside Sun Valley |
Marty Hernandez on drums
in Hailey Idaho at Sun Valley |
The show at Sun Valley Brewing in Hailey Idaho on the 7th was terrific. We were able to raise at least 200lbs of food and an incredible bunch of musicians joined us; 3 harp players including Don that played with us in Los Barriles Mexico two years prior, 3 drummers including Marty we hired from Twin Falls, who could not only play the drums but turned out to be a helluva bass player too. We also had 2 other guitar players other than myself, Scott and Hart and OMG were they good - both guitar teachers. The Sun Valley Brewery is a wonderful venue and we have already been asked to come back. The 44's, The Supersuckers, and Agent Orange all play there on tour too, which is great because and I'm a fan of all those bands.
Inside The Celt Pub & Restaurant
Idaho Falls, Idaho |
The next morning, we drove the 160 miles to Idaho Falls, to play at The Celt Pub & Restaurant on the 8th. It was an equally fantastic show, in a gorgeous old building that was long and narrow and made it a great music venue. The food at this place is awesome and the servings are too big to eat in one sitting, at least mine was. The jam was a lot of fun, and not only did we raise a good amount of food (didn't get a rough weight), but also raised nearly $100 in cash the food bank will use to purchase more. Local superstar Vince Bellon of "Mean Red Spyder" joined us and played a full set and boy he could play and he had a custom tube amp with a tone to die for. At the end of the night, rock vocalist Austin Hadley of the band "MirrorrorriM" sang B.B. King's "The Thrill is Gone" and knocked it out of the park! The crowd loved it! Didn't sound like B.B. or even the way I sing it, it was totally different and very good. I think B.B. would have appreciated it himself.
Charles on drums, Sweet,
Sixx and Austin |
Now, we've been on the road the last couple days and are currently in Rawlins Wyoming on our way to Denver to play two different locations over a couple of days for Crazy Mountain Brewery...looking forward to checking out the Denver talent and having a kickass food drive jam.
Also, a quick update on the Blues Against Hunger Compilation CD - it is coming along amazingly. We currently have over 15 tunes from 15 of the most amazing artists we've performed with over the course of the 2017 Blues Against Hunger Tour. We are looking to make the CD available to all Blues Against Hunger supporters; jammers, those that make donations of food, and patrons of the Blues Against Hunger that donates $1 or more.